Altar Guild
Do you like to arrange flowers, help create a holy space for worship, enjoy the company of others while taking care of the things of the altar and preparing for the services of the church? Membership is by invitation of the Rector, but please contact the office to be considered
Music Ministry
Do you enjoy singing or play an instrument? In scripture we read that “God is enthroned on the praises of God’s people.” Our choir enjoys being together, learning new music and leading the music for our worship. Choir rehearsal are held during on week nights and Sunday mornings. ​
St. Philips invites lay adults and youth to participate in church leadership roles in the service. You can join this ministry beginning in 5th grade. Teams are trained to assist with a service once a month.
Readers & Eucharistic Ministers
Lectors are appointed by the rector to read lessons or lead the prayers of the people at our Sunday morning Eucharists and at special services. Lay Eucharistic Ministers are trained and licensed to administer the chalice during the service of Holy Communion and to bring communion to the sick and homebound.